Bug death PvP
Yesterday, after 6 COI failed attempts on my main (2 different pledges :p)
I logged in with my lowbie and bugged to death. Another COI gank.
- Suddenly a "Hand" mouse pointer appeared. Like old times when you tele'd.
- I couldn't cast.
- I couldn't use scrolls.
- I could chat.
- I couldn't move.
- I think I was on a 1cell spot (GP passway where only one character can pass) occupied by me, and maybe some other ppl with coi.
- No stun was used on me.
- I was blocked before the detect was cast.
- I got resurrected and I could cast, move as normal. The "Hand" pointer disappaired.
Re: Bug death PvP
What were you doing prior to receiving the hand? This happens when you r-tele .. its a client side thing and the server sends a packet called 'teleport unlock' everytime you teleport. It's there to stop the client from spamming other things, in the middle of a teleport. Were you venzing around?
GM Charles - Global Admin & Developer - Server / Website
Re: Bug death PvP
I was just moving when it happened... I had that client opened for a long time in town, just buffing. Then proceed to go into GP and do the rest before logging off.
It happened again yesterday. After having the client for 2h in town. I couldn't cast, I could restart though and relogging solved the issue. Same as when resurrected.
It might be that the hand-icon triggered when I tried to r-tele when I died.
So apparently, leaving a character for around 2h+ AFKISH (I had 4 clients open by the way and only used it to buff other toons now and then), could disable casting spells and other actions.
This is the best input I can give.