Outdated Skills - Review Chance/probablity
I have noticed that there are a few skills (dk, ilu) that aren't properly addressed as level based or Magic Resistance.
For instance, in the method "calcProbability" (I don't know which class)
else if (skillId == GUARD_BRAKE || skillId == RESIST_FEAR
|| skillId == HORROR_OF_DEATH) {
probability = 100;
}Is it supposed to land always?
Further more, most of Ilusionist spells ignore resistances, such Phantasm. It is treated as FOG_OF_SLEEPING but on the previous method, it is not added to the switch-case.
Mostly, because the siwtch is SKILLID based instead of SKILL_TYPE...
if (_calcType == PC_PC || _calcType == NPC_PC) {
switch (skillId) {
probability -= _target.getResistHold();
probability -= 2 * _target.getResistStun();
probability -= _target.getResistStone();
probability -= _target.getResistSleep();
probability -= _target.getResistFreeze();
probability -= _target.getResistBlind();
}Last, but not least. Bone breaker Chance is constant and ignores any level difference, not even Magic Resistance based, yielding to abusive behaviours and exploits.
int chance = (random.nextInt(100) + 1); int probability = (l1skills.getProbabilityValue() - (2 * cha.getResistStun())); if (chance <= probability) {
I understand that Code Source maintaining is a tiresome burden... But, if you put the effort into Ebind 2 cells. Putsome effort into the others. Specially, the PC_PC stun...
Not long ago, there was a pledge only Ilus griefing around. Stunning people 15 levels above.
Thanks in Advance.
Re: Outdated Skills - Review Chance/probablity
There is so much wrong with this post, and a perfect example of something that consumes a significant amount of my time and distracts from coding updates, content and bug fixes. Please don't take offense to this, it is meant to highlight what is consuming so much of my time lately, so that others can learn from this and hopefully make more informed posts or requests. We want to be able to fix everything that needs fixing, improve the expereince of players and create a fantastic server that is as balanced as we can make it without changing the game... but we can't do that when we are sent on wild goose chases, or babysit Discord through 99% of our free time. The players that enjoy this free service, if they wish to enact change need to be a value add with information, research and constructive recommendations.
First, this is in the technical support section. What are you requesting technical support on? I finished reading the post, and I am not even sure if this belongs in suggestions.
Second, there is a good analysis of code in this post.. well done on that, but its honestly a whole lot of nothing for me to go on. There is nothing of value in this post, other than reiterating publically available information and a question that I can't answer.
You're forum post is also highly misleading. What is 'outdated'? Nothing in your post suggests something is outdated? Maybe I just dont understand?
You've noticed that GUARD_BRAKE, FEAR and HORROR_OF_DEATH are 100% probbaility.. but then you're asking me if they should be 100%? To be honest, I don't know. What are you requesting here? Is it wrong? Do you have documentaiton to suggest it is wrong? Any type of reference materal, post, linked article for me to go on? What are you suggesting that it be changed too? Or are you just asking if it was coded to be 100% intentionally? If thats the case, I am not sure. I updated existing codebase to make it better, this was how that spell was coded.... other than acknowledging your observation... what are we supposed to do?
Your next comment is that some of the Illusionist spells ignore resistances, such as Phantasm. That is correct as it is currently coded. You made an observation, which is correct.. but you've provided no suggestion, recommendation or validate that it is wrong in its curent form for me to go on. What are you requesting? Do you have any insight into this being wrong? Why are you bringing this to me for me to spend my time on? There is no "catch all" for spells.. are you saying Phantasm should take into consideration sleep resistance?
Next, Bone Break chance... yes it does ignore levels as an illusion magic. Is that wrong? You state nothing but the obvious here, again. There is no recommendation. There is no suggestion. You just state facts here. Do you have any source materical to suggest something is incorrect? What is incorrect? We don't just make arbitrary changes because someone posts on a forum "hey this spell does this"..... ????
Ok, I've reviewed and spent a considerable amount of time away from content updates on this forum post, and its contents.. however, the most frustrating part is yet to come:
Your Statement: "I understand that Code Source maintaining is a tiresome burden... But, if you put the effort into Ebind 2 cells. Putsome effort into the others. Specially, the PC_PC stun..."
Response: No, it's not tiresome. Dealing with players constantly making off the wall statements and claims with no factual basis and usually 1/3 of an understanding is tiresome. This statement is aggravating because your statement implies that we've only made change to EBind, and that our attention should be focused into 'others'. What others? Have you read the patch notes? NO? Go back and read it and see just how many skills/spells we've changed/adjusted/fixed/tweaked to give a better player experience. I've lost count.
Lastly, you don't get to decide where we put our effort when you can't even be bothered to put some real effort into making a real suggestion with something for us to go on. Evidence: "Specifically the PC_PC stun".... what? What in the world of lineage are you saying our time specifically needs to be looking at PC_PC stun for? I'm baffled..
Closing notes... this is something we do to keep the community together as a hobby and one we've dedicated to keeping running for a long long time, and something we enjoy. As of late, we've become frustrated dealing with nonsense and having little to no real time coding content and updates. We've spent time dealing with players spamming Discord with hundreds accounts because they were butthurt from being banned, players not respecting others in Discord or in game causing an avalance of complaints, wild goose chases... certain banned pinoy continously trying to RMT items that dont exist on the server and showing screenshots of Test server items (yes.. there is an active scammer we've been playing whack-a-mole with requesting Western Union transfers bacause his friend is in the Hospistal)... and we're doing our best to prevent this player from scamming one of OUR players by banning pinoy subnets.
Our request... is simple.. formalize requests, and information with real data we can go on... if you are trying to tell us something is wrong, tell us why its wrong.. or provide your suggestion on how it should be fixed. Show evidence something is wrong, or incorrect, or could be adjusted. Don't just come to us with "this is broke" with zero explanation as to what your talking about.
GM Charles - Global Admin & Developer - Server / Website
Re: Outdated Skills - Review Chance/probablity
It wasn't my intention to trigger you... I love the work you do here... Moved to suggestions.
Re: Outdated Skills - Review Chance/probablity
Not at all! I apologize, I didn't mean it directly to you. I just meant in general that I've been getting a lot of requests without detailed explanations and its been taking up a lot of time so I am more asking that people submit requests with as much detail as they can.
GM Charles - Global Admin & Developer - Server / Website
Re: Outdated Skills - Review Chance/probablity
Just another note in understanding the code for those that aren't aware....
3.52, 3.63, 3.81, and on all have the same original source. That original source did not have most of the items, spells, etc that are in the game post, probably (I don't exactly remember), Weldern update. Everything has been added on an adendum basis since then (By l1j, which is now defunct). For things like items, we (the poverbial we, I'm not associated with Justice) have official item databases to pull from. For things like spells? It's just a best guess, shot across the bow, and then trying to balance it from there. We never got to play with those spells/abilities, much less get the code from NC Soft. Same goes for new areas and spawns.
NC Soft has hundreds of people to write code, test code, and finally play test and balance the code. Charles has like, two people total? And if he adds more people, are those people going to be trustworthy? Are they going to be dependable? Or, are they just going to give themselves and their friends a bunch of shit, and start a huge PR problem. It's hard, especially when you start dealing with players. That's why most servers fail, and why I never went live with mine. Too many headaches, and no real benefit. Just people complaining and nagging. Not saying you are, just a general statement about people and lineage players in general; which is funny because NC Korea never listened, or gave two shits about NC US, so we should be used to it :P