Hi there,
I was wondering if there are other worthy areas to gain exp besides Giran P.?
I tried 21fl+ not that good.
FI not even close.Any areas i dont know about?
Can we maybe buff some exp in some areas?.
I think i saw one.
Are they that rare?
That Valueable?
They seem to be the same as live!.
Looks ok for me.
What do knight use for PVE and PVP?
Ori Daggers for Both?
Love the server and i think this is by far the best out there.
But the game at this moment is one dimentional.
The lack of in Class Variation makes the game a bit boring. I will explain.
The only way to make an ELF viable is…
Do they suck that bad?
Maybe they need a Buff?
Or simply they are just bad in general?.
She is in the Corner of 46th ave and Maine St. Next to the Burger King.
Why are mages the most popular Class?.
Am i missing something?.
Educate a Noob here Please.