Yes - the damage calculations for theBes should be identical to Zelgo / as close to live as possible with balance changes where it makes sense. TheBes specifically, was not changed from Zelgo, unless accidentally. You can validate anything and every…
I've added the accessories, the elemental enchant scrolls, blank scrolls, repaired earrings, ice queen earrings to the GM Shops on Test server.
If you follow the quest guide in the LinWeb for the character, it will show you the step you are on. The quest works, but the ant remains need to be interacted with in a certain order. LinWeb shows the coordinates.
mamore - The update that is going live has anti-coi gank measures. You can use blinding potion + floating eye meat to keep track of COI players while hunting.
Was expecting more comments/replies to this. Would be interested in hearing the communities take on this.
Updated: New toons spawn with 500m adena. Everyone has their accounts on test as they were on live 3 days ago.
We are looking into this as a viable option and possible price point.
Thanks Rudy!!
HellStinger - Yes, this update is a huge Milestone for us that enables us to focus now on class balancing, weapon additions, ect. Princes will be getting some love, I promise you. Currently, prince can use sword of silence, kurtz sword and the Froze…
Welcome to the server! Hang on, things are going to get exciting! Sieges (for now) are Tuesday/Thursday 9PM EST and Saturday 1PM EST. The server is growing, the population is increasing, and this next update should cause another spike.. coincidently…
It's enabled on Test server now! Anyone can .level up to level 76.
I apologize in advance for the long post of updates. Over the past month and a bit, we've been working on the largest update (Milestone 1) that L1Justice will likely ever see at once. This update was a complete rewrite of …
I am using the test server at this moment. Test server was reset / restored from a backup of live to test updates and changes to prepare them to be moved to live. I will enable .level command up to level 76. Players were making themselves level…
Was the first time wiping the server, and what I did... was infact i replicated he Live database to test for an upcoming test. I will certainly look at that for you.
Welcome to the server, I am sorry you're having issues. I know of one other person that had this issue, and it was because of the software on their system blocking the port. What's happening, is once you connect.. you're not a…